All Opportunities


Welcome to the UWL Alumni & Friends Foundation Scholarship website! The scholarships listed below are offered through the UWL Alumni & Friends Foundation. Click “Show Filters” to display filter options such as college or major. Use the “Search” box to find scholarships by keyword or name. Click the scholarship name to learn more about the opportunity.

Sign in and complete your General Application. You may also be prompted to complete a Conditional Application based on your area of study. Once you complete these applications, you will be recommended open scholarship opportunities that you may be qualified to apply for based on your student record. Some scholarships are awarded solely based on the General or Conditional Application. These awards list “No Action Needed” in the action column. You will automatically be considered for these awards if you’ve submitted the required General or Conditional Application, and you meet the award requirements. Qualifying for any scholarship does not guarantee you will receive the scholarship.

Scholarship Application Dates
The majority of scholarship application dates are as follows for the 2025-2026 academic year, unless otherwise noted:
Application Start Date: 10/1/2024
Application Deadline: 2/1/2025

Please note: The scholarship amount awarded may vary from the advertised amount. Payout of all awards is subject to availability of funds and will be paid out for the 2025-2026 academic year, unless otherwise noted.

Due to NCAA Div. III regulations, athletics cannot be considered in the awarding of scholarships. Commenting on athletic involvement on scholarship applications or references from coaches is prohibited.

Due to FERPA regulations, reviewers have limited access to your information. To also help keep reviews more anonymous and in line with FERPA regulations, we ask that you please refrain from stating your name in your essay questions.

If you have any questions related to the scholarship process, please email

Opportunities Table
Award Name Actions
Varies Alice DeBower Undergraduate Distinguished Service Award for Graduating Seniors in Recreation Management & Therapeutic Recreation
graduating senior who has demonstrated professional promise and in...
Varies B. J. Young Scholarship
first or second semester senior to be enrolled full time in...
Varies Eric Stuart McIlraith Scholarship in Mathematics
sophomore, junior or senior to be enrolled full time with a major in...
Varies Kenneth and Sharron Ring Scholarship for Entering Freshman in Physics: Dual Engineering
recipient must be an entering freshman enrolled full time at UW-L with...
Varies Maurice and Elizabeth Graff Scholarships -- Sociology and/or Archaeological Studies
sophomore, junior or senior to be enrolled full time with a major in...
Varies The Darlene Joan Zielinski Parker Scholarship for Social Justice Fund
must be enrolled full time at UW-La Crosse with a major in elementary...
Varies Wisconsin State Cranberry Growers Association Endowed Scholarship Fund
junior or senior to be enrolled full time with a major in marketing,...
$1,000 American Association of University Women Scholarship
junior or senior to be enrolled full time GPA requirement of...
Varies Lindy Shannon Music Scholarship (SAC)
freshman, sophomore, junior or senior to be enrolled full time with a...
Varies Piano Scholarship Fund at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse (SAC)
freshman, sophomore, junior or senior but must be enrolled currently...
Varies Choral Music Scholarship Fund (SAC)
high school graduate to be enrolled full time as a freshman with a...
Varies Cleary Center Staff Scholarship
Recipient must be an employee of the Cleary Center Staff (not...
Varies Joseph Cordeiro Scholarship for Students Studying String Instruments (SAC)
freshman, sophomore, junior or senior to be enrolled full time but...
Varies Margaret Brown Scholarship Endowment Fund (SAC)
recipient must be enrolled full time at UW-La Crosse with a major or...
Varies Paul C. and Martha M. Witzke Fund in Music (SAC)
freshman, sophomore, junior or senior to be enrolled full time with a...
Varies Paul Stry Music Memorial Scholarship (SAC)
freshman, sophomore, junior, senior or first year transfers to be...
Varies Physical Therapy Program Minority Scholarship
junior or senior to be enrolled full time with any declared major in...
Varies Robert A. Wessler General Music Scholarship Endowment Fund (SAC)
at least a junior to be enrolled full time at UW-L with a major in...
Varies Stella Trane Jackson Scholarship (SAC)
outstanding music student to be enrolled full time special...
Varies Thomas & Margaret Annett Scholarship for the Arts (SAC)
preferably a senior piano student; if a piano student cannot be...
Varies Thomas H. Annett Scholarship (SAC)
sophomore, junior or senior to be enrolled full time with a major in...
Varies William Estes Choral Music Award (SAC)
freshman or continuing student to be enrolled full time apply live...
Varies Xcel Energy Scholarships for Continuing Students
two scholarships awarded—one for a freshman and one for a continuing...
$0.00 Geography Inc Freshmen
Varies Coulee Rock Club Scholarship Fund (SAH)
junior or senior to be enrolled full time or part time with a major in...
$0.00 Test 1 Graduate Scholarship -
Graduate student GPA 3.8 or higher
Leave blank for system calculated amount or enter desired text, e.g., $1,000 or "Varies". Xcel Scholarship for Incoming Freshmen
Varies Laura and Joe Bowers Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund (SAC)
freshman who has graduated from La Crosse Central, La Crosse Logan or...
$0.00 Rada/Lammi Scholarship for Sports Marketing
$0.00 Rada/Melby Scholarship for Information Systems
IS major or 2nd major
Varies Frederick Hagerman Award in Exercise & Sport Science (SAH)
undergraduate or graduate student to be enrolled full time in the...
Varies Gertrude and Donald "Sandy" Gordon Jazz Scholarship Fund (SAC)
freshman, sophomore, junior or senior to be enrolled full time with an...
$0.00 Lou McGlothian Memorial Scholarship
The Lou McGlothian Memorial Scholarship (LMMS) has been made possible by...
$1,000.00 Pauline Abel Scholarship (SOE)
junior majoring in elementary education financial need should be...
Varies UW-L Alumni Association Milwaukee Alumni Network Scholarships (GENERAL)
recipient must be a UW-L alum who is also a member of the UW-L Alumni...
$0.00 Pol Sci Public Admin for Rada/Sissel Award
$600.00 Autie Currie Sanford Award Fund for Graduates of Rusk County (General)
Scholarship Fund: The recipient must meet the following...
$1,000 Don & Norma Vinger Scholarship (SOE)
Recipient must be a junior or senior enrolled full-time at UWL and...
$1,000.00 John R. Bolstad Scholarship Fund (SOE)
Recipient must be enrolled full time at UW-La Crosse and accepted into...
Varies Wells Fargo Merit Banking Scholarship
sophomore, junior, senior or graduate to be enrolled full time with a...
$400.00 William G. Vettes Scholarship in Modern European History (CLS)
• Recipient must be enrolled full-time at UWL with a major or minor in...
$0.00 Elegbede/Rada
$500 to $1000 Lillian Neale Campbell Scholarship in Therapeutic Recreation (CSH)
recipient must be a continuing student enrolled full-time at UW-La...
Up to $10,000 Michael J. & Kathi R. McGinley Endowed Opportunity Scholarship
The goal of the scholarship(s) is to provide at minimum 100% coverage of...
$0.00 Cashton HS Auto Match
Varies M3 Insurance, and Christine M. Kenyon Scholarship for Risk Management and Insurance
recipient must be enrolled full time at UW-La Crosse with a major in...
$1,000.00 Neighborhood Association Urban Renewal Scholarship
The Fund shall be used to provide a stipend for completing a year-long...
$0.00 Auto Match Math Senior
$5,000.00 50th Anniversary Marketing Alumni Challenge Scholarship
The Marketing Department, along with the many alumni who contributed, is...
$1,000.00 Corey & Kathleen Block (Piacsek) Scholarship (CSH)
1. Recipient must be enrolled full time at UW-La Crosse majoring in...