All Opportunities


Welcome to the UWL Alumni & Friends Foundation Scholarship website! The scholarships listed below are offered through the UWL Alumni & Friends Foundation. Click “Show Filters” to display filter options such as college or major. Use the “Search” box to find scholarships by keyword or name. Click the scholarship name to learn more about the opportunity.

Sign in and complete your General Application. You may also be prompted to complete a Conditional Application based on your area of study. Once you complete these applications, you will be recommended open scholarship opportunities that you may be qualified to apply for based on your student record. Some scholarships are awarded solely based on the General or Conditional Application. These awards list “No Action Needed” in the action column. You will automatically be considered for these awards if you’ve submitted the required General or Conditional Application, and you meet the award requirements. Qualifying for any scholarship does not guarantee you will receive the scholarship.

Scholarship Application Dates
The majority of scholarship application dates are as follows for the 2025-2026 academic year, unless otherwise noted:
Application Start Date: 10/1/2024
Application Deadline: 2/1/2025

Please note: The scholarship amount awarded may vary from the advertised amount. Payout of all awards is subject to availability of funds and will be paid out for the 2025-2026 academic year, unless otherwise noted.

Due to NCAA Div. III regulations, athletics cannot be considered in the awarding of scholarships. Commenting on athletic involvement on scholarship applications or references from coaches is prohibited.

Due to FERPA regulations, reviewers have limited access to your information. To also help keep reviews more anonymous and in line with FERPA regulations, we ask that you please refrain from stating your name in your essay questions.

If you have any questions related to the scholarship process, please email

Opportunities Table
Award Name Actions
$1,000.00 Alumni Association Continuing Student Legacy Scholarship
continuing student to be enrolled full-time must be a relative of a...
$1,000.00 Jean and William Gilles Scholarship Fund for Third Year Physical Therapy Internships
recipient must be enrolled in the physical therapy program at UW-L at...
$1,000 UWL Alumni Association First Year Student Legacy Scholarship
first year student to be enrolled full-time must be a relative of a...
Varies Alta M. Hagen Memorial Endowment Fund
preference shall be given to a non-traditional or post-baccalaureate...
Varies Carol Dobrunz Women in Leadership Scholarship Fund for Health Professionals
*Recipient must be a female enrolled full time at UW-L with a major in...
Varies Carol Dobrunz Women in Leadership Scholarship Fund for Recreation Professionals (SAH)
*Recipient must be a female enrolled full time at UW-L with a major in...
$1,000.00 Holly Breitkreutz Scholarship in Student Affairs Administration (SAA)
• Must be enrolled full-time at UWL and for the next academic year must...
Varies James Reynolds Scholarship
The recipient will be an African American student entering their...
Varies Student Affairs Administration Alumni & Friends Scholarship (SAA, Graduate)
1. Recipient must be enrolled full-time in the M.S.Ed in Student...
$1,000.00 Tom Macgillivray Student Affairs Administration Scholarship (Graduate, SAA)
Recipient must be graduate or doctoral student enrolled in the Student...
Varies Toward Self Reliance Scholarship (CLS)
open to only a female with preference given, but not restricted to...
Varies Wale and Audrey Elegbede Community Engagement and Social Justice Scholarship
Required Qualifications: • International student from Africa • Financial...
$500.00 Wayne Jacobson Scholarship for Student Affairs Administration Fund
*Second-year graduate student in the Student Affairs Administration...
Varies Cindi Stoller Polek Scholarships in Physical Therapy
At the time of application, the student must meet the following...
$3,000.00 Tommy G. Thompson Leadership Scholarship
To be eligible for this award, a student must: • Be enrolled as a...
$1,000.00 A. Richard Tinapp/Robert S. Joyce Endowment Fund in Theatre Arts
freshman, sophomore, junior or senior to be enrolled full time with a...
$1,000 A. Vincent and Janet B. Weber Scholarship in Biology
junior or senior to be enrolled full time with a major in biology...
varies AAUW La Crosse Branch Scholarship for Continuing Students at UWL
1) Must have earned 30 or more credits and plan to enroll full-time at...
varies Accounting is Bliss Scholarship
Recipient must be enrolled full time at UW-La Crosse with a major OR...
$1,000.00 Ace Stadthaus Endowed Memorial Scholarship
Recipient must be enrolled full-time at UWL Recipient has a major in...
Varies ACZ Scholarship Endowment Fund
The ACZ Scholarship Endowment Fund will award two scholarships for the...
Varies Affeldt Family Endowed Scholarship Fund
Required Qualifications: Recipient must be enrolled full-time at...
Varies Agnes A. Van Tassel Scholarship in Elementary Education (SOE)
junior or senior to be enrolled full time with a major in elementary...
Varies Alan C. Howe Memorial Scholarship Fund in Psychology (CLS)
sophomore, junior, senior or graduate student with preference given...
Varies Alan C. Howe Memorial Scholarship Fund in Sociology (CASSH)
sophomore, junior, senior or graduate student with preference given to...
Varies Albert H. and Helen Kent English Scholarship
freshman or continuing student to be enrolled full time with a major...
1,000 Alexander James Wuestenberg Memorial Scholarship
Required Qualifications: Junior or Senior pursuing a degree in Finance...
Varies Alice DeBower Recreation Alumni Scholarship
junior majoring in recreation to be enrolled full time must have...
Varies Alice DeBower Undergraduate Distinguished Service Award for Graduating Seniors
graduating senior who has demonstrated professional promise and in...
Varies Alice Hagar Elementary Education Scholarship
freshman, sophomore, junior or senior to be enrolled full time with a...
Varies Alice M. Svec Endowed Scholarship in Education
The recipient must meet the following criteria: Recipient must be...
Varies Alice O. Gordon Scholarships I & II
Required Qualifications: Recipient should be a senior who has...
Varies Alice P. Drake Memorial Scholarship
undergraduate to be enrolled full time with elementary education major...
$1,000.00 Allen & Tammy Becker Family Pay it Forward La Crosse Area Endowed Scholarship
1. Recipient must be enrolled full-time at UWL with a major in...
Varies Allen C. Nelson Biology Scholarship Fund
Required Qualifications: Recipient must be enrolled full time at UWL...
$0.00 Allen C. Nelson Scholarship Endowment Fund in Mycology
Required Qualifications: Recipient must be enrolled full time at UWL...
Varies Alpha Xi Delta Melanie Pierce Fund (GENERAL)
sophomore to be enrolled full time at UW-L above average gpa if...
Varies Alumni Band Scholarship Fund in Memory of Dr. John L. Alexander (GENERAL)
recipient must be enrolled full time at UW-L recipient must be in...
$2,000.00 Amy Kerwin Accounting Scholarship
• Enrolled full-time at UW-La Crosse • Pursuing a degree from the...
$840.00 Andrew Baker Athletic Training Scholarship
1. Recipient must be enrolled full time at UW-La Crosse in the...
Varies Anita Evans/Larry Lebiecki Freshmen Opportunity Scholarship
Required Qualifications: Recipient must be an entering...
Varies Anna Beth Culver Endowment Scholarship for Health and Physical Education
undergraduate student having already earned 10 credits in the declared...
Varies Anna Thomas Scholarship
Required Qualifications: Pursing a degree in one of the following: –...
Varies Arnold Temte Mathematics & Statistics Honors Scholarship
junior or senior to be enrolled full time with a major in the...
$0.00 Art & Fern Finley Endowment Fund in Leadership/Exercise & Sport Science
Required Qualifications: Recipient must be enrolled full time at UW-La...
$1,000.00 Ashton & Norma Veramallay Scholarship in Economics
Pursuing a degree from the College in economics Minimum 3.0...
Varies Autumn and Nicholas Kletzien Accountancy Scholarship
Required Qualifications: Recipient must be enrolled full-time at UWL...
Varies B. J. Young Scholarship (SOE)
first or second semester senior to be enrolled full time in...
Varies Barbara & Carl Wimberly Scholarship Fund
senior to be enrolled full time at least a 3.75 gpa financial need...
Varies Barbara Stewart Student Affairs, Diversity & Inclusion Student Scholarship
Required Qualifications: Student who is part of a registered...