Michael & Patti Langer

Michael & Patti Langer

Michael, ’84, and Patti Langer, ’86, have created the Michael J. and Patricia F. Langer Computer Science Scholarship to be funded with an estate gift. They have named the UWL Foundation a beneficiary of their trusts. The gift will create an endowment of approximately $1.5 million that will provide $60,000 in scholarships annually.

Their computer science code words: lasting scholarship

Tuition was reasonable when Michael, ’84, and Patti Langer, ’86, attended college. Michael funded his education through the GI Bill; Patti worked to pay off college. The couple knows paying for tuition is more challenging today — but they know a college education remains vital for career success. “We believe in the importance of higher education and want to help highly motivated students make this goal a reality,” says Michael. The Langers did just that by creating the Michael J. and Patricia F. Langer Computer Science Scholarship. It will benefit full-time sophomores majoring in computer science. If students stay full-time in the program and maintain a 3.25 GPA, the award renews their junior and senior years.

The Langers, who work at supercomputer manufacturer Cray, don’t want a lack of money or excessive work to get in the way for students. “Obtaining a degree can be expensive and funding that education is not always within everyone’s reach,” notes Patti. “Because of this we wanted to give students the confidence that if they apply themselves and remain in the computer science program, they have the opportunity to graduate without a large financial burden.” It’s something UWL students will be able to count on for generations.


Michael & Patt Langer created this scholarship through their estate in 2019. Future generations of computer science majors will benefit from this incredible gift.