Joe & Linda Kastantin

Joe & Linda Kastantin

Joe and Linda Kastantin have a long history at UWL; Joe as a faculty member and Linda as an alumna and volunteer.

Their support of scholarships began in 1989, following the death of Sheryl Schultz. Sheryl was a 1987 accounting graduate and faculty in the department made contributions to award a scholarship in Sheryl’s name. The Sheryl Schultz Memorial Scholarship continues to be awarded each year. In 2001, they established the Joe & Linda Kastantin Accountancy Scholarship. Many students benefitted from their generosity over the years. The final accountancy award in their name was made in 2018.

Joe retired in June 2016, but came back to teach that fall semester and donated his entire salary to support student scholarships.

Linda holds a master’s degree in education from UWL. Linda was a first-generation college student and has a career in the healthcare field. She currently serves as operational manager of 4 Minnesota clinics for Gundersen Health System. Linda is chair of the UWL Alumni Association.

The Joseph & Linda Kastantin Endowed Fund for the College of Science & Health and the School of Education is established in part to honor Linda’s father, William Richard Krause who passed away on April 20, 2017. Although Bill never attended college, he was a strong advocate for education. He was a long time, faithful member of St. John’s United Church of Christ where he devoted his time on the many church boards, most notably as Sunday School Superintendent and the church consistory. He also served his school district as a member of the school board.


The Kastantin legacy will continue at UWL through this endowment fund. Their focus to support first-generation, needs-based awards will allow participation by students who may not have ever been able to afford this type of experiential learning. Joe & Linda Kastantin will support many deserving students in the years to come.
