Joan R. Yeatman

Joan R. Yeatman

For 32 years, until her retirement in 2000,Joan was a distinguished faculty member in our English and Women’s’ Studies Departments.

Her most important achievement was to Chair the Committee to Investigate Allegations of Racial Discrimination at UW Lacrosse (April 11, 1983). A special committee of 9 representing faculty, students and administration, she chaired it over 1 00’s of hours of testimony and deliberation for 9 months with insight and patience and crafted a report of which she was the primary author that made over 42 recommendations.

The Report began with a 4-page introductory rationale explaining the basis for the investigation. Each recommendation was preceded by a section explaining the evidence and reasoning for the conclusions. The report was endorsed unanimously by the Committee, unanimously passed by the faculty senate, and unanimously by the student senate as well. This was overwhelmingly Joan’s work guiding the report through political and emotional difficulties to shepherd it to fruition.

The Report resulted in fundamental changes in how the university treated students of color, a legacy of extreme importance in 1983.

Joan was a founding member of the Women’s Institute and of the Women’ Studies Department. Her intent was to support students in that field.